Friday, April 29, 2011

Discover Popular Content Of Websites With BuzzGrowl [Chrome]

Addictive Tips 2
BuzzGrowl is a Google Chrome extension which can help users to keep abreast with trending topics of  the currently opened website. A small window, showing tweets from random people pops-up everytime when it finds something in relation with the website you’re surfing. For instance, if you’re checking out an article on Wikipedia, its windows at the bottom-right corner will let you know the articles which people are exchanging with each other over at Twitter. Since Twitter is widely used social media component for sharing information and news, BuzzGrowl would certainly be helpful for those who like to discover hot topics and articles of a website and keep a tab on news which is currently being circulated on Twitter.

Being a distraction-free extension, it can be enabled/disabled with a single click by clicking its icon present at top-right corner. When you want to check the tweets of the website in question, enable it to find out the most popular content of the website. Tweet window will start popping-up with options to share it on Facebook wall and Twitter. You can also use navigation controls present at each end of pop-up window to sift through the tweets.
BuzzGrowl extension for Google Chrome


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